October 10, 2006

Oliver's Blogging on Blogging " Transformations "

Well bonjour, fellow students, hi and hello ! Well here it is , the second blogging on blogging for me, and also the end of the second unit, and soon we will have a pre-test , and a test on the following day, first of all, I would like to say, this unit was the best, I totally got what I was doing, for the most of it, and well like anyone, I did have some problems along the way, and I continue on to correct myself, although, I believe I need to ask more questions during class, because well, sometimes the class gets really quiet sometimes, and you know they're either confused, or just shy or something, and you need someone to break that ice. Anyways, I would also like to say good luck to everyone! And have fun during the test! Study hard, because it won't hurt you, it'll only make you better in what you're doing, and remember ! ASK QUESTIONS! That is all, till next time! Take care everybody.

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